Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We've moved to a regular room!

So once again, we're moving further in the right direction. We've moved into a regular peds room now. She's still on room air too, so that's good. And her numbers continue to stay in the 90's, which is really good! She had a nice lunch and is certainly happy that she gets to eat.

I went down to see her peds office too. Since the one nurse there has been trying to work with one of the other peds to get us an earlier 2nd opinion endo appointment. So I wanted to let her know that they didn't need to push for that anymore, at least not right now, since we were here in the hospital. So Nurse S. was saying that she just doesn't understand why only a couple docs think that things are OK and we can wait. But she was trying to get Dr. C. to advocate for us. Of course, Dr. C. didn't want to step on Dr. B.'s toes either. Well, that doesn't matter too much now, since it appears that we're moving more towards a neurological issue, not an endicrine one. However, she's also going to have us put under Dr. C.'s care, not Dr. B.'s, since he's the one who has done nothing for us. And she even said that Dr. C. is much more like the ped. we used to see, up until she moved last year.

This will be a good thing then, since Dr. B. has been worthless to us. He's not an advocate for us, he's mostly dismissed it as being food & calories, and having her dad's stature. Which honestly, if that was the case, she would have to lose at least a couple of pounds then, since we've been working so hard on her diet.

Anyway, her favorite craft girl C. is here! Well, she went to go get some more stuff, but she's around today. So that takes a little stress off me......

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