Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If I could....

I would! I would tell Dr. G. to just to stay the hell outta here!! We've pretty much determined that there's nothing else endocrine related that they're planning, so I'm not sure why she comes in here. She asks if there's anything new, uh, NO! We have nothing to share with you! Then she wants to listen to Peanut's breathing, and make a comment about how it sounds, then that's about it. Today when she came in she actually asked why she was in isolation?!?!?! She asked if it was RSV!?!?! Are you kidding me??? She's been in isolation since she got here!! It's been on her door, every room, mask & gown needed. I'm assuming it's due to the pneumonia and other viruses she's got going on. But either way, how do you not know that!!??

Now, as I said, I wish I could, and I'm sure some people would tell her to shove off. But I just don't want to burn any bridges. It's easier to just be polite, and then have her leave. But it certainly isn't always easy!!


  1. Ahhh, Yes - Doctors are wonderful people... and then they wonder why no one joins their side when they get sued!? Hope K liked the tulips.

  2. Yeah, I know! And it's funny, it's almost what I was thinking. It was almost as if she was trying to cover herself a bit. It's always odd...
