Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back at the hospital for day shift

Last night was a good night finally!! Daddy got about 8 hours of sleep, so he just called and said he's going to do some house work then. Peanut is still wanting more and more, as usual. But she slept well, no dropping numbers, and she's up on the sofa right now. And, she's off the oxygen!! She's hanging right around 90, so they're letting her stay off it for now. But if she drops too far, then she'll have to go back on it.

As of now, the different doctors have been consulting and really don't think there's anything endocrine related. Dr. I., the neurologist came in to see her this morning too. She was scheduled for an appointment with him on Thursday. Anyway, they want to do an MRI of her brain stem, plus the hypothalamus, because they want to see if there's something wrong with that. Although some of the things they have a hard time finding ways to see what's going on. They're also going to do a CT scan of her chest, lungs, and tracheae. The x-rays don't always show the best images, so they want to do a CT scan.

Right now she's just continuing to argue with us about what to do. She wants to color and draw, but her IV is on her right hand, so it's difficult. But she's just going on and on, complaining about what to do. Poor girl in her from Child Life, just has to listen to her whining and arguing with me! It's really aggravating!!

So, we're just waiting to hear when they're going to do the CT scan. But the MRI they won't most likely do until she's out of the hospital. They want her to be much more healthy before they do those tests. She's finally settling down a bit now too. In her standard way, she's totally angry one second, and happy the next! And we're watching a movie now!

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