Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Last one for tonight

Just checking in before I go to bed... So Peanut's with Daddy again tonight. And in the morning, I have to bring some more clothes to Nutty Buddy, so I'll get to see him for a little bit. I know he's doing good, having fun with G&G, but it's still not his home.

She was doing fine when I left. Still on room air, but she knows her numbers, so she knows when she needs to kick in her breathing. They also checked her IV cuz it was leaking, but it was still in, so they just readjusted it, and put all new tape on it.

I know for tomorrow she has some labs scheduled, but I'm not sure what for. I told hubby to ask when they come. It may just be too check the levels with all the meds she's had. Don't believe it's going to be any certain medical tests. She's got so many meds going through her, I would think it would skew most test results, but who knows. She also has her CT Scan scheduled for tomorrow too. We'll see what that shows. I know there's something they want to see. And area in her chest cavity that they can't see in the x-ray, some sort of open area, something like that, I'm not even sure. So we'll see what that brings.

On one good, totally off-topic, note, the Cubs are kicking some D-back butt!!! She'll be happy to hear that tomorrow. She hasn't been able to see any games the past few days. They're night ones, or she fell asleep, but she still wants to know. In fact, it's now 10-1!!!

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