Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm home for the night

Daddy's with Peanut for the night, and hopefully it'll be a quiet one. She fell asleep around 7:15, while on just the oxygen, not BiPap, and while her numbers stayed good, she sounded horrible. The PICU resident came to listen, respiratory listened, and the nurse listened. They decided to give her another nebulizer, some different kind though. After that, we woke her up to get her ready for bed. Much to our unpleasant surprise, she'd had a very large accident while she was asleep! =( Poor baby!! So we got her cleaned up, I'm sooo... thankful for great nurses!!! And then she got back in a clean bed with her PJ's on for the night. I put in a My Little Pony movie for her, and she was dozing off a bit. But she was awake when Daddy got there. They're also going to give her the Orapred tonight too.

She really enjoyed having some pizza for dinner finally! She was pretty happy to get some food, after not eating for about 36 hours. Plus all those drugs she's been getting! I can only imagine. And she's all excited about ordering French Toast sticks for breakfast tomorrow! She said her and Daddy had breakfast plans.

I had also been looking for a stuffed, black bear for her. Well, talking to G&G today, they were with Nutty Buddy at the zoo. So when my dad asked me where I was at, I said I had walked over to the Hallmark store to look for a bear. He offered to look at the zoo store then, and of course, they had a great one. So he had to come up to get a couple things from me, and brought her the nice surprise. So she was happy to get that as well. No name for the animal yet, Blackie & Blackbeary were suggested! I liked Blackbeary! LOL! She had her bear on her bed with her when I left tonight.

I'm just watching the Hawks game right now, flipping on the Cubs occasionally, but the Hawks are more exciting for sure! I'm a little hungry too, but I'm so sick of crap food. So nothing sounds appealing right now.

This is certainly going to be my daily outlet for awhile. I need someplace to get all this stuff out. And it's easier than typing things 4-5 times to write it in different places. But please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, or advice. And hopefully soon, I'll be able to say that we're home and one day, that we have an answer!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear she is still doing well - although the respiratory noise is a concern - I imaging both rales and rhoncki. Also happy she likes the black bear - I agree, Blackbeary would be a great name. We are taking Nutty Buddy to the zoo in Aurora today - will keep you posted. Have posted a few photos from yesterday's zoo trip on Flickr. Dad/G'pa
