Saturday, April 25, 2009

First time blogging from the hospital!

After writing about Peanut last night, we got too concerned about her health. After chatting with my friend, she said to take her to the ER, suspecting pneumonia. Sure enough, that's what she has. She's being treated for that, given orapred and zithromax for the illness. Her temp was 102 last night, and it's been up and down today. She's had a chest x-ray (in the ER) and then an EKG & echo cardiogram today. Her heart rate has still been fairly high, but her O2 sats seem to stay fairly decent. Then again, she's been on oxygen all day.

It's been a long day here yet again. Wasn't totally sure if we'd be admitted when we came in last night. But I did bring my few things to keep me somewhat sane. But being inside this building since 11:30 last night is starting to take its toll on me. I really need some decent, real food. Hopefully hubby's coming up after work to take tonight's shift. And brother is at G&G's, so that really helps!

We've watched 3 movies so far, got about 4 hours of sleep, saw the Cubs game, and did a little crafting. It's just so hard to watch your child struggle to breath! She was telling me she wasn't tired a bit ago, but she's barely staying awake. And just arguing about putting her oxygen tube back on. She wont' do it herself, wants everything done for her. Ugh!!

So, I guess I need to get her butt out of the chair, hit the potty and then get ready for bed. I want to sleep too!

Oh, and as far as treatment, the doctor we saw today also believes that there's more going on, not just environment. So she's having a geneticist come to see us on Monday. We'll be here at least until then. So maybe they will finally do some testing to see what the hell is going on!!

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