Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just saw her endocrinologist

Dr. G. came in to see her and once again reiterated how she doesn't get the weight gain, but certainly doesn't think that it's an eating issue. I swear, every time she comes into the room, I can feel my body tense up! I'm so aggravated with her, I just don't want her to talk to us! But, I'm not one to burn my bridges either. So, I tolerate her, listen to her, then just dismiss her. She's not really telling us anything we didn't already know, nor is she doing anything for us, so there's no real reason for her to be involved. But again, she is the only peds. endo., so she is working with the other docs.

Dr. A. just came in as well. He said she sounds much better. So he's cutting back her Prednisone and her nebulizer treatments as well. He said as long as she's doing OK on the room air and sounding so much better, then we can cut back on those things. Then we'll see how she does in the next 24 hours.


  1. My prayers going out to you for the next 24 as she is weaned off the nebs and prednisone. I'm sure someone has thought of is but, one of the severe side effects of too much prednisone is weight gain. Has she been on it a lot since the weight gain? Once gained, it's very difficult to lose. I sure hope that all the test tell you something! My heart and prayers to ya!

  2. She actually hasn't been on Prednisone hardly at all! That's the odd thing.
