Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update for the end of today

Not much to really update, but here it is... She's been weaned off of the Ketamine and is now on Fentanyl. It's got the pain medicine in there too, to help relieve some of the pain she HAS to be im. She's also been able to sweat out her fever, it was about 101-102 earlier. They do give her Tylenol as needed too. Plus her heart rate and blood pressure came down. When hubby got there, he brought Nutty Buddy up to have dinner, he went into the room to check on her while we were waiting to eat dinner. They were suctioning her out and she was coming out a bit, she fought!! She may be our little Peanut, but she's so damn strong!! Her nurse even commented that if hubby hadn't been there, she's not sure she could have controlled her. They do have the soft restraints on her, since she does get a little lucid at times, so she can't pull her tube out.

Anyway, they're doing what they can to ease her pain, make her comfortable, and just work on making her better. The CT scan did show that there's 1 tooth in her tummy still, but none in her lungs, which would have been bad! Dr. T. thinks that he really did suction the other one out when tubing her. And the one in her tummy will come out in a natural way.

I had taken a little nap before her CT scan too, but apparently her pulminoligist, Dr. A., stopped in. Her nurse told me later she thought he had woken me up, but I'm sure I was sleeping pretty hard. But she overheard him asking the PICU Dr. how quickly she had decompensated, and she told him quite fast.

We really don't know what is going to happen now. There was a mention of a tracheostomy at one point, and they said that a long time ago. I thought they were crazy back then. But now I see how scary this shit is, and I realize why they're thinking this way. It's scary that she started the day with a sore throat and 16 hours later is in the PICU intubated! We're also going to have to see what we're going to do about school. We just don't know if school is going to be a safe environment for her. But then do we keep her home?? Do we teach her here, still send Nutty Buddy? I mean, it's kindergarten, they know all that stuff, but the social things are what she needs.

Soo... we'll see what develops tomorrow. I'm still taking Buddy to school, then I have to go to the dentist, I've cancelled it twice in the past 3-4 months, one of those times was for Peanut's ER trip last month. I will update more tomorrow, hopefully with some answers too!

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