Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Really making progress on various fronts!!

Today was a busy day! First off, Peanut was awake the entire day, no naps, no major desats, no real incidents at all. She was trying really hard to talk again. She's getting very tiny, little whisper type sounds out when she's really excited and trying to tell us something. Tonight I got her to draw out what she wanted, and it was so cute. She drew a rectangle, with an arrow pointing down, under water. Then she wrote GO F... She wants me to bring Go Fish cards!! Her alarms kept going off cuz her heartrate was going so high, as well as her resps. cuz she was so excited!!

Then, we saw A. today. She was her speech therapist when she was a toddler. I spoke with her last week about what we'd get. Today they officially ordered ST, OT, and PT for her, so then she could officially be on her case. She brought a sample picture/word book that they use. Then she uses that to get an idea on picture sizes, level of understanding, things like that. And they will make one for her to use. She also said that she's going to tell them to hold off on OT & PT since she's not ambulatory yet. They can't do what they need to do, until she's off the vent and moving.

What else... Oh yeah, we heard more from CMH today!! Dr. W.'s office called and talked to me for a good 20 minutes. They're getting a little bit of the paperwork so far, and she gave me what she needs yet from me, and the genetic testing is going to be done while Peanut's in now. And, the best part is that they have us penciled in for November 1st!! She had a slot open up, so we wouldn't have to wait until February!! She gave me all the basic info on how it works, and it sounds just amazing the assessment they'll do on her there. She is constantly monitored, except for the short times when she'll be in her bedroom to clean up and eat. It's an open area where they will play and do things all day. I really hope that this provides some answers for us. I'm just so excited that a much earlier appointment for her. This was so unexpected.

Overall, Peanut had a really good day! She just looked so much better all around. As of right now, she's scheduled to have her trach changed on Thursday. We're still not sure if they're going to downsize or not, but we hope that they can, so then she can work on her voice again. With as much as she's trying to communicate, I have a strong feeling that once the mechanics are made so that she CAN, she WILL! LOL!

And Nutty Buddy is doing OK too. I think he might be showing some small signs of neglect though. I mean he acts up a little bit, although maybe not anymore than normal. A lot of whining, wanting to spend time with me, or Daddy. He doesn't want to go to school pretty much everyday either. He tells me that the lunch room makes him feel like he's going to throw up. Now, he did have Sensory Integration Disorder, diagnosed at age 2. So I'm starting to wonder if those issues are creeping up again a little bit. He said it's really loud and gives him a headache. I also asked him about the smell, and he said yes, it bothers him. I don't like to dismiss it, but I don't want to give in on something that's not really there. He said that he ate lunch in the classroom today, with his teacher. So I'll have to talk to her about that tomorrow morning.

Anyway... I think that's it for today. It's definitely been one of the better days!


  1. Cindy -

    This sounds absolutely wonderful! G & I tought she looked so much better yesterday - she seemed so much more with it. The testing moved up to November is also good news. Once we have some answers, at least you will know where you stand, and what the future holds. See you on Friday - let us know if there is anything you need. G&G

  2. great news cindy hope this continues
    and with the new date for cmh thats so good

  3. So wonderful to see good news all the way around! Love to all, Aunt Katie
