Friday, September 18, 2009

Some small, good updates!

Today was a long day as Peanut was in and out of sedation. And she was happy to have the tube out of her mouth, but got frustrated at not being able to talk. She did a lot of pointing and head nodding, but it's really hard not knowing what she wants. She did try several times to talk, her mouth would move a little bit, but we have to keep telling her that's going to take time.

Then, when hubby got there, with Nutty Buddy, she started to get a little more awake. So, there's a 6 month old baby boy next to her that cries all the time. There isn't much family that comes around, and he wants to be held all the time, which the nurses can't do. So they had him in a swing, and Buddy was showing him the two stuffed puppies he has, goofing around, and really keeping this little boy entertained. All the nurses were just fawning over it!

So, in the room we were laughing about it, telling Peanut about it, and she actually smiled about it. She also made a hand motion, like "Oh, that boy, he's such a goof!" It was the first time that she really showed any sign of emotions, and happy ones at that. Then she was doing her demanding with hand pointing when hubby was getting a computer program set up for her.

I was getting ready to leave with Buddy and she was able to give hubby and me a kiss on the cheek. She's giving a slight hug too, but the little kiss was just awesome! She smiled a few times, even tried to laugh a little bit. And when her day nurse left, she blew her a kiss. It was really great to see her with a little bit of happiness in her face. I know she's sad, angry, frustrated, and confused about everything going on, I can only imagine how hard this is for her.

We're going to work on getting her off the vent this weekend, they've been reducing her settings slowly. They will have to do some more stuff next week, but we'll deal with that then. Thanks to those who have visited, sent cards, and other gifts! She knows that she is loved by so many people!


  1. This is just wonderful! She's such a tough kid, but facing a lot of challenges. Fortunately, she has people who love her and will be there for her through all this. Hard to read this without getting too emotional. Tell her we love her, and will see her soon. G&G

  2. (((Hugs))) Cindy
    Reading that post brought tears to my eyes. So glad you guys were able to communicate and hug and kiss:) So special!
    Take care!

  3. Hi Cindy,

    I saw your post on the trach forum and headed on over to your blog. I will bookmark this and will read when I have more time.
    We have fraternal twins also, twin B received his trach at 54 days old.

    You are not alone and believe me things will get easier, as I hope you feel you are not drowning right about now.

    Hugs and Support,
