Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not much has changed...

Peanut has pretty much stayed the same between yesterday and today. She had a little fluid in her lungs again today, so they gave her some drugs to help her drain it all out. She hasn't had any temp though, so that's good. They're still scheduled for surgery on Friday morning, at 7:00 a.m. She was on the lower dosage of sedative too, so she's a little more coherent at times. She will try to motion what she wants, but that's really hard. She can shake her head though, so that helps a little bit. And when I fixed her Blackberry stuffed bear, she gave me a thumbs up! =) She also noticed the balloons I bought her. I needed something to brighten up her room with a little color.

Grandma & Grandpa R. came up to visit her today. So she acknowledged them being there too. It was nice to have someone else to talk with for a little bit. Even though Peanut isn't up for visitors, we are!

I came home earlier tonight to take Nutty Buddy to his school's Open House/Book Fair. We really want to keep things as normal as possible for him. He was very excited to show me his classroom, where he sits, the pictures that he's drawn and on the wall, and to just play. I will say that I had to catch myself though, I started crying a little bit. The kids had all drawn a self-portrait to put on their lockers, and our two shared one, so I saw her picture. Plus there was another drawing with a photo of her on it. Just seeing those, with her name on things, it was really rough. Just knowing that she's not going to have the normal kindergarten experience, it really hurts.

Luckily, Nutty Buddy is doing well in school though. His teacher Ms. M. said he does just fine in school, shows no sign of problems regarding all that's going on with his sister, and he's a pleasure to have in class. He's made many friends, of course, that includes the two girls from preschool last year. They get in a little trouble for talking sometimes.

We also went to the Book Fair, where he had picked out a spider book that he wanted. He kept telling us he needed $12 for the book fair. Luckily, while browsing, he found a NASCAR book that had Kyle Busch in it (his favorite!!) and so he was thrilled to buy that instead. And it was only $4! We got a vet book for Peanut too. And each teacher had a wish list with about 10 books that they would like for their classroom, so we bought two of those also. Then they put a little sticker in there to say who it's from. So, while talking to the woman, and I said that Peanut wouldn't be back, she was shocked! She remembered her from the spring open house.

I will say I've been amazed at the number of people who know and remember Peanut! Since she was only in school for 4 days, and we stopped in a few other times, but yet people remember her. She's just so infectious sometimes. Yes, it can be annoying when you're around it a lot, but they just loved her!

I also went to the Children's Resource Library that they have at the hospital. I got a book for hubby and I, plus a video, and then a book for Nutty Buddy to read with him. The woman there gave me some other information, there's a support group too, but he's got to wait another year, it's for older kids. Plus, they have a play room to show kids about certain procedures. She showed me a baby doll they have that has a trach on it. So even though it's a baby, it will give him an idea of what it's going to look like from the outside.

Tomorrow is probably going to be more of the same, nothing much. Just getting prepped for the surgery Friday morning. G&G will be coming up early that day to walk Buddy to school, so I can get to the hospital close to the start of her surgery.

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