Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's been a pretty quiet day

There hasn't been much going on today. Peanut had her Aunt, Uncle, and cousin visit, plus G&G R. today. Got more balloons, colorings stuff, and a little Boyd's bear named Betsy. I guess she was awake a lot last night, wanting to "talk" to daddy. So he was up quite a bit with her during the night. And I guess it tuckered her out! LOL! She's been sleeping for the past 3 hours or so. Even when her nurse and I just bathed her, changed her, cleaned her all up, and she didn't wake up all that much.

They're still working towards getting her off the vent. Today, they put her on C-Pap, instead of the actual vent. This means that she breaths on her own, but if she stops, or slows down, the machine kicks in for her. And she tolerated 4 hours on that just fine. They're doing 4 hours on C-Pap and 4 hours on vent. And then tomorrow, they may increase that to 6 and 6, or maybe even 8 and 8. And this is the last step to getting her off the vent.

While I've been here today with her, she's been sleeping as I said. But she was dreaming too! It was so cute! She was laughing and smiling, moving her arms all over, obviously really happy with whatever she was dreaming about. And while she can't exactly laugh out loud, she was trying. It was really great! Her nuerologist likes to see that too!

Tomorrow will be more I'm sure. Being the weekend, this is the slow, quiet time around here. But I'm sure other doctors will stop in tomorrow. Thanks for all the visitors again too! It's great to see everyone, and she really does enjoy it. She's giving little kisses and big hugs!

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