Thursday, September 17, 2009

So far, status quo...

Everything is still set for 7:100 .m. tomorrow morning. They'll do the bronchoscopy first, then the trach if necessary. As we said before, we can't imagine that there's anything else in there, but they'll check. It should last for a few hours, no real estimate yet. We will certainly update as soon as it's over.

Dr. A. told me that after the surgery, she's going to come out of sedation, and be more awake than she has been. So she's going to have questions that she won't be able to ask. He said to make sure that Peanut realizes this is NOT a punishment, that she didn't do anything wrong, that this is for her safety and to help her breath better. She's a smart girl, so I hope that she understands that.

In other somewhat good news, the case manager here finally got a hold of the HMO to discuss what benefits we are eligible for, regarding home health care. She just stopped in and said from what they've told her, as long as there is a definite reason for it, then she'll be able to have a home nurse. She said it could be anywhere from 8-16 hours/day. I don't know if I'd want here there for 16 hours/day, but at nighttime it could really help. Plus, she's also asked them to assign an insurance case manager to us, from the HMO. I had asked for this months ago, but they said that parents/patients usually didn't request it, the doctors, hospital, or insurance company would ask for one. So, that might help with some of the red tape.

Other than that, she's been a little more coherent again today. She has her 3 little stuffed animals on her chest. I bought her a couple of balloons with a little teddy bear they tied on, so she's got that, plus her Blackberry bear, and her favorite Nurse Kathy from Dr. A.'s office gave her a little stuffed turtle. So she has a little comfort and company.

I don't plan on anymore updates until we head into surgery tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Kira in my thoughts today as she has her surgery xxx
