Friday, September 25, 2009

Continuing on the path to improving!

It's been a good couple of days!! Yesterday, they continued to wean her off of the ventilator, putting her on C-Pap for longer stretches. They also changed her trach to a little smaller. It's still may not be the perfect size for her, but they have to take things slowly and see what's going to work best. And then they put her on C-Pap for last night too, which she tolerated really well. So today, they took her off that completely! She has a trach collar which just is like a really small oxygen mask that sits in front of the trach opening, giving her a boost of oxygen. This is a big step because then she's not on the ventilator at all right now. This means she can move around a little bit more too.

We gave her a full washing today, including her hair, which was a birds nest! It was nasty!! It hadn't been washed in about 10 days! Poor kid! But it's much better now. She looks so much better too. Plus she's out of isolation! They rechecked her for the different viruses she had, and all clear! Which is really nice. The staff doesn't have to wear gowns, masks, and gloves everytime they come in.

I have to say, this little Peanut is truly one of the strongest kids I've ever known! And I don't mean physically exactly. She just handles everything so well, it's amazing! All the nurses and doctors enjoy her cuz she's just such a trooper with everything. They comment all the time that they can't believe how well she handles it all.

And Nutty Buddy has had a few rough days himself. It's a lot for any 6 year old to take in, so it's understandable! And he's trying to do it, but it's not easy. I had to pick him up from school yesterday, about 30 minutes after I dropped him off. He was just hysterical, wanting me. So I picked him up and spent some time with me. He didn't want to leave with Daddy though, but he finally did. They ended up going out to see hubby's family in the afternoon.

But, on their way, they saw some fire trucks at one of the forest preserve ponds. So they stopped and walked over to see what they were doing. They were doing some diving practice, so of course, Buddy had to talk to them. Then, the firemen let him talk to the diver and give him his directions to come back up to the surface. He was just thrilled over this! It made this little boy's day so much!!! I was so happy to hear that. Today he went with G&G to the Museum of Science and Industry. They have a LEGO exhibit there, so he was excited to see that. I'll get him tonight after dinner at their house.

Anyway... Peanut's getting a chest CT scan later today. They want to keep checking the pneumonia and everything else I guess. She's napping right now... but she's going to be getting the IV for her CT scan soon, so that may wake her up.

That's about it for now!!

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