Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back at the hospital for the day

I'm back here with Peanut, no real change in her. Her RBC is a little low so she'll be getting a transfusion later today. Plus, there was some more fluid in her lungs, so they put her on a diuretic to help with that, gets her to pee it out. She's a little more awake then yesterday, she will shake her head when you ask her questions and such.

We were going to have the bronchoscopy done tomorrow, but since she's still running a slight fever, they want to wait until Friday. At that time, the bronchoscopy will tell them if there is anything going on in there, or if there are other options. And if not, they will do the tracheostomy then. We realize that this is a major thing, yet at the same time, if this happens again, then what??

We wish there were other options, we don't see any right now though. Yes, the answers to the weight gain would help, but we also realize that whatever this is, it's something unusual, so we can't expect them to have answers yet. I wish we did. And right now, even going to another hospital isn't a real option either.

So, that's where we're at as of right now... just hanging out again today with my little Peanut. And it sucks! There's just no other way to say it, I hate this!!!! Oh, but one piece of better news, she would qualify for a home school teacher to come everyday. While we know that the academics of kindergarten isn't what she needs, still having that connection to school might be good for her.

Unless anything changes, I doubt I will update again today...

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