Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back in the hospital

Yep! We're here again! Last night was by far the scariest time of my life. My little Peanut had stopped breathing!! Thankfully, I saw that she had been dozing off, so I kept nudging her to wake her up. So when I did it, and she didn't respond, I checked her. To my horror, her lips were purple and she most likely wasn't breathing.

I managed to grab the phone and call 911, then get her on the floor. The dispatcher was helping me to get her in a better position to help breath, I got her head tilted back, they were having me give her a couple of breaths too. Then she started to have what we think might have been a seizure. Her right leg was twitching. By this time, the paramedics had arrived. I was so happy to see that Ms. Vicky was there! She's one of the medics that we see when we visit our fire station, Peanut really loves to talk to her.

After what seemed like eternity, she finally started to come around a bit, even recognized Vicky. By the time she was in the ambulance, she was starting to come fully back to normal. They put her on some oxygen, checked her blood sugar (normal), and tried to start and IV. But after one failed attempt, Vicky wasn't going to try anymore.

Once in the ER, they decided that there wasn't any reason to try anything. Since we've got all these tests on order, from the other endo. dr., and we just saw her ped. Dr. S. yesterday for her annual checkup, there was no reason to check things there. Instead, they got her up to a room, I went back home and got her some things. Daddy spent the night here, like he always does. He said that she only dropped down twice, and both times, she came back up within a very short time, and on her own.

Now today, she's seen Dr. A. and Dr. S. After talking to Dr. A., he wants neuro to see her again, to rule out any possibility that this is an actual seizure disorder that we're looking at. Although Dr. S. doesn't think it will be that. And I tend to agree. I believe that it's just the lack of oxygen that caused it. She's also going to look into Physical Therapy for her, something that would be an exercise type of therapy for her to do. This way, it's not me directing her, someone else can work with her. I've also got a fit kids class to enroll them into through the Park District this fall.

The other thing we are going to try is a neck brace. It would be for when she's getting sleepy, starts dozing off, at those times of the day, so that she can't bend her neck/throat over and cut the airway off again. It may no be comfortable, but it's something that can help prevent this again!

I think that's it for now... as we now more, I'll update. I do hope that all of this will help Dr. S. with getting the approval for this special lab. She was going to call to ger pre-approval from the insurance company. Thanks to everyone for all the thoughts and emails.

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