Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh how fast excitment turns to frustration!

We were so excited yesterday to get the news that the HMO had already approved the referral for Peanut to go to CMH. This is where the specialist is that might be able to help her. And of course, that's a big "might!" But it was something we wanted. And we all know how HMO's can be, so we were thrilled that it didn't take that long.

Anyway, I should have been a little more cautious... I called today to make the appointment. Yikes! They need all this paperwork first, detailed email from her pediatrician, some genetic testing done, the referral, and then various forms/paperwork from us. And then, they can start looking into appointments. Which, by the way, is booked through February!!! Since Dr. W is the expert in this, of course she gets requests from around the world. The only thing the woman I spoke with said is that we're lucky since we're local. So if someone gets sick, which she said usually happens a few times, then we'd get in. And the appointment is a 4-day, inpatient one!!

Sooo... now we're back to being on hold again. We need Dr. S. to get this info to Dr. W. as soon as possible, so then we can at least get on the list for an appointment. I really should have known better. At least this isn't anything that is anyone's fault, it's just the reality of the situation. Hopefully though, we'll at least be able to get it set up soon!

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