Friday, July 24, 2009

Spent last night in the ER

Ugh!! It just had to be when hubby is out of town! I went to get Nutty Buddy to bed and went to check on the Peanut. OMG!! I could hear her struggling to breath!! I checked her and her pulse ox was 18!!! Yes, full freak out mode! I ran into the other room to hook her BiPap machine back up to oxygen. I also tried to wake her up, with Nutty Buddy's help, and she wouldn't respond. She was just drenched in sweat too. After what seemed like several minutes, but I'm sure it wasn't, she started to come out of it a little bit, and with about 5 liters of oxygen, she finally piqued up!

I called hubby and Grandpa right away. Hubby said to get her to the ER right away, and then Grandpa met us up there. This was around 10:15 p.m. It took us about 1/2 hour to get into a room even, which is more unusual. But we did, and luckily we had Dr. F. and Dr. H., both ER docs who have seen her before. It makes it a lot easier to not have to explain her long, complicate history to people all through the night.

By midnight, Grandpa took the boy home to bed. While he normally loves to stay up late, midnight was really pushing it, even for him! And since it appears that for once, we wouldn't be addmitted, I sent them back home. They gave her a nebulizer treatment, then a chest x-ray, just to rule anything out. But even Dr. F. said how odd it all was since she had no illness symptoms at all! She hasn't had a cough, cold, sneezing, nothing!

She finally fell asleep, while I sat around until 4 a.m. They had to wait for the chest films to come back, and the radiologist checked them. They said there might be some residual pneumonia in her lungs still, and it can stay there for a long time after, but it didn't appear that it was anything new at all. They gave her a course of antibiotics, starting in the ER, to help kick anything out. It's only a 5 day course, so not bad at all. The longest part was waiting for the medication there! Her poor nurse, Matt, felt so bad! He had gone on break and had another nurse covering, so when he saw us still there when he came back, he was shocked! He checked with the pharmacy, and apparently, they mixed up her meds, but left them sitting on the counter instead of sending them over! He even had to call a second time! Argh! But no biggie!

She was fine all day, and is hooked up to her pulse ox again all night. She did have a de-sat episode about 45 minutes after I put her to bed, but I went up and adjusted her, moved her pillow out so her airway could open more, and she's been fine. It's just so damn exhausting!!!! I only got about 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night, or very early this morning. And of course, kids aren't that forgiving when a schedule is all screwed up!

Hopefully this was some odd episode and she's all fine!!!

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