Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Had to give more bood and another path to follow... on their birthday!!!

Apparently on Friday, when drawing 11 vials of blood, they missed something. So we had to go back today and they took one more vial of blood. She was great, as usual, and they got it very quickly. No answer yet on when we'll get any results. We know that some of the samples need to go to a special lab in California, so I'm sure that will take some time.

In the meantime, someone passed along some info that we're looking into further. It's a rare condition, so we don't want to get too deep into it yet. However, we're really getting on top of it right away. Luckily, it appears that CMH here in Chicago leads the research on this. We also called her ped., Dr. S., and she spoke with hubby. She said it's something to certainly look at further, and she's good friends with the doctor at CMH that does this research. So that was something that sounded really positive and good. Plus, the new endocrinologist we saw last month, Dr. L. also said we could look into having this genetic test done, and it's done at the hospital he's at! We just have to get insurance approval. But at least Dr. S. is on top of it too, and pushing right along with it.

We also met with a therapist today. The appointment was initially made for Peanut. However, this will end up being a family type thing too. Which will be good for all of us. We have Nutty Buddy talking about the "not breathing incident" often enough. But we need to really address her anxiety issues.

On the positive side of life, we celebrated their 6th birthday today! They're having a party next week, but we went out to dinner at Steak n Shake, then to Target so they could pick out one toy as a gift. Nutty Buddy got a NASCAR truck set and Peanut picked out a craft/drawing set. They seemed to really enjoy the day.

Once we have some more info to share, we will. And we hope it will be coming in soon!

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