Friday, August 7, 2009

Blood work was done today!!!

I have to say I'm pretty happy with this other pediatrician we've been seeing now. We saw her on Monday, for their annual check-up. At that time we went over all the stuff that the other endo. dr. wanted her to have done. So she got us the bone age scan referral immediately, and we did it that day. Then she got us the nutritionist referral right away too. But the blood work, she had to get some pre-authorization for. As she said, she didn't want us to go through it, then have our HMO deny coverage since they want to send it to a special lab in CA. I realize that these docs are busy, so I didn't expect it really quickly.

Now, since she was in the hospital Monday/Tuesday, I figured Dr. S. would at least try to get it in quickly. Well, they called this morning and it was approved, so we could come in and pick up the referral. Since the husband was home, and didn't leave for a few hours, I took Peanut and went up to do it.

They had to take ELEVEN vials of blood!!! But luckily, it only took one stick, right on top of the bruise from when the medic tried on Monday night. And she was completely fine with it. I'm just so happy that at least this blood work is going! And then when we were leaving, Dr. S. called my cell. I guess she called the house and talked to husband, who told her we were there. She wanted me to stop by and pick up some calorie information for Peanut. She found the recommended caloric intake for her age, but we cut that to 90%, so about 1050-1100 calories/day!

I just can't believe that we're actually making progress on some of this stuff. Actually, all the stuff that the endo. dr. wanted. Of course, no idea how long it will take to get the actual results!

1 comment:

  1. I'm also very glad that things are progressing, albeit slowly - maybe you will get some answers. I think about Peanut a lot, and worry about her, too.
