Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Should be scheduling her MRI soon

Talked to Dr. S. today and she gave me the info to call to set up the MRI for Peanut. It's going to be of the spine as well. Originally, they said the brain stem, but it sounds like they'll get more while they're doing it. Plus, it'll be with and without contrast. I'm not sure what they're looking for. Honestly, anything involving the spine makes me nervous and worried. I'm sure they're looking for more of the causes with her vision and the nystagmus. I don't see how any of this will be related to the weight issue. But then again, who the heck knows!! We see Dr. B. next Friday, he's the neuro-ophthalmologist. I'm not sure if we'll get this MRI done before that visit.

On another note, my own health issues finally caught up to me. I had a root canal started back in September, but never went in to get it finished. It had been fine for all this time, until the past weekend. I managed to get in the dentist yesterday so he could clean it out, replace the temporary filling, and set up the next appointment in 2 weeks.

I just hope the next week goes by quickly so we can get to the N-O appointment. Being a minimal 3 hour apt., that should be interesting!

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