Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 1, post-hospital

We made it through the first day at home, after the hospital. Both kids are doing just fine too. The little Peanut is totally herself, no problems at all, just her normal attitude issues! But she slept OK last night. She had Daddy in there, which she complains about. However, we had the home health care company come out today and they set the alarm on her BiPap now. So, this means we don't need to be in there all the time. If it loses the seal or if she pulls the hose off (which she has), the alarm goes off after 15 seconds. It's just one less thing that we have to worry about now. We also have the band-aid style Pulse Ox thing, so we can keep it on her toe now.

We also got a wonderful surprise today! My good friend J. came over, she said she had something for us. Well, the moms in my twins club, a bunch of them got together to chip in for gifts for us. They gave us gift cards for Target, Shell gas, Jewel, Jimmy John's, and another local restaurant. And some chocolate for us!! Oh yeah, and some coloring/craft things for each of the kids. It was so unexpected and greatly appreciated. Just so sweet of them!

For us, it's mostly been getting back into the swing of things. It's so odd being gone for this many days. Although I was at home almost every night, I just didn't get anything done. So today was catching up on bills, making all the doctor's calls, grocery shopping (well, had to do that yesterday), and cleaning up the house a bit. Oh yeah, and laundry! Blah!!

The most important doctor, the neuro-ophthalmologist is scheduled. And it's only 3 weeks away! So that was good. It will be a 3 hour appointment too, so G&G will watch Nutty Buddy! That's way too long for him to sit there. And we were told that it would be really long, lots of tests, lots of machines, so it's better for just mommy & daddy to be there with her. And then she'll see the Pulminologist in just over a month. And her pediatrician next week. Oh yeah, and not Dr. B.! We told Dr. S. who she had been seeing in the hospital, since she did rounds there, that we'd rather see her. Plus, we didn't want to see Dr. B. anymore, anyway. We didn't come right out, but just hinted at the fact that we weren't comfortable with him.

She also mentioned that she had heard whispers of a rumor that we were looking for another endocrinologist for a second opinion. We told her that was true, and again, somewhat explained why. And although we seem to be moving away from the endocrine issues, and more towards the neurological ones, that it may not be totally necessary. But we're keeping the appointment, and she even agreed, she said it never hurts to keep another appointment and use it. And since it's not until July, there's no hurry.

Anyway, I think that's it for now... I'm sure I'll be slower with postings again. Not as much going on anymore. Thanks again for all the kind words!!

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