Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MRI is set for tomorrow

So, we thought there was going to be a last minute snafu, but we're all good. Her neuro-ophthalmologist wanted more done with the MRI, but her pediatrician Dr. S. thinks that an MRI on the abdominal area isn't the best way to go. He wanted to see about this certain tissue, but instead, they'll do a rectal ultrasound. Apparently it gives them better results for this hormone secretion than an MRI does. Plus, they'll do a 24 hour urine collection again too. They did that to check for Cushing's Syndrome a few months ago.

This means that tomorrow will just be a cervical spine MRI. Not sure what that will tell them. It's possible that it will give them answers for the nystagmus. But, who knows! I've given up thinking that each test will give them any sort of answers, since we never seem to find any. And yet I continue to hope too.

I'll update after tomorrow we get home.

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