Thursday, May 28, 2009

MRI is done!

We had Peanut's MRI today. Got there on time and they were able to take her back to Radiology Prep. fairly quickly too. And they even got her back to the MRI room on time. But then, we were delayed 30 minutes. They had an extremely difficult time getting an IV in her. They had given her the numbing cream to help, and they did it on both arms, both hands, and both feet!! They had to try 5 times, including the specialist. And my little Peanut - so odd!! She got upset when they made her lay down, since she couldn't sit up and watch them do the needle work. Crazy kid!! Of course, mommy held her hand, but just kept her head turned away!! I don't do needles!

They finally came and got us about an hour or so later, a little more actually. And then she was sitting up, talking, asking for food, being her normal stuff. In fact, we walked back to recovery and they were saying she was so good that they were going to move her to the second recovery area. That's where they give her something to eat, make sure she's moving OK, all that... And they got us out quick! She just rebounds pretty well, so she had some pudding, a couple of cookies, and we were on our way.

While we were there I picked up the referrals for the abdominal ultrasound they want to do, plus the 24 hour urine catch. So now I have to call and schedule the ultrasound. And I'll wait until next week to do the urine collection too. The order said about 5-6 different hormones and such that they'll be testing for. Of course, hubby and I thought it was odd that they haven't checked these things before. And obviously we don't have any results yet. I don't expect any for a few days. Especially since tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend. But we did get the CD copy with all the images. Only about 200 this time.

I'll be sure to update as soon as we know something. Just glad that this day is over, I'm exhausted. I could NOT fall asleep last night!! Oh, and of course Nutty Buddy enjoyed another day with G&G! They took him to an outdoor nature center and then to Portillo's for lunch! It's so great not having to worry about keeping him entertained when we have to spend these hours in the hospital!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad its over and hope it gives you some answers. (((HUGS)))
