Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy days ahead

Tomorrow, the kids have their open house for kindergarten. As usual, Peanut is nervous about it all. She doesn't think she wants to go to kindy next year. I've tried to explain that she'll get to have art, music, computers, and gym time, which makes her happy. But the thought of being in school for more than the 90 minutes they currently are, makes her a little uneasy! However, she does enjoy doing things, so I know once she's there, she'll have fun. And Nutty Buddy is just fine. He doesn't usually worry about much of anything.

They also have their dentist appointment after that. Peanut's been asking when they were going again, since their last appointment. It's nice that she's exciting about it, considering my own fears of the dentist!! But she loves it. Plus, she'll get to show off the 2 new teeth that she's gotten in over the past few months. Nutty Buddy doesn't like that he hasn't lost any yet, and I just tell him that he's got really strong teeth, so they're hanging on for awhile yet.

And of course, after all that is the nuero-ophthalmologist appointment. As least Nutty Buddy is staying with G&G, so he doesn't have to sit in the office there for the 3-4 hours we'll be there. I'm a little nervous about it. Just wondering what they're looking for, what they think is going on, where the next step will be. I certainly trust the doctors, that's not it at all. But, nobody's told us anything definite along the way. I imagine if they had some inkling, they would have said something. So, we'll just have to wait and see what they say on that day.

On a side note, my computer was messed up for the past few days. And I'm so happy to have it fixed!! Went to the little shop that we'd been to before, and $27 and 45 minutes later, it was fixed! Like someone said, getting anything fixed for $27 is amazing! But all of my stuff is back, my toolbars are working, things are good again!

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