Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not too much to update, results, but no answers

We did the urine testing a couple weeks ago, and the results were nothing. They didn't find anything wrong with any of the hormones they tested for, all levels were normal. I finally talked to Dr. S. today, we'd been playing some phone tag, and I just took a break from calling too. Anyway, she said they were looking for any evidence of tumors, which the urine test showed there wasn't any evidence of it. She's still going to look into doing the u/s of the adrenal glands, but she said the odds of there being anything there, based on the normal urine results, are almost impossible.

So once again, we're without answers. I've run out of things to even try and research. We do have the second opinion endocrinologist appointment next month, although I'm not holding my breath for any answers there either.

What's even more frustrating now is that with the warmer weather, we've been doing even more. We spent 4 hours at the Botanical Gardens last week, walking all over. We've been being more active with her, outside, she's in play camp now, and still no results. She's even stopping herself from eating everything, on her own. Not always, but it's progress.

The only positive thing is that something in her mind or body has been switched, and she's been staying dry at night. So far this month, in 25 days, she's probably only been wet in the morning (or middle of the night) about 3-4 times. And not only that, we were waking her up around midnight to go potty, and we haven't done that for the past 4 nights, and she's still waking up dry. This is such a huge step!

Anyway, there isn't much more to say...... as always, please feel free to comment with ideas, suggestions, or anything else that you can think of! =)

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