Thursday, June 4, 2009

No answers yet

I called Dr. S.'s office today because of some problem with getting the ultrasound they want. I had called central scheduling, and they spoke with the u/s techs, who told her that they can't get the adrenal glands on an u/s in a 5-year old. I thought Dr. S. said she wanted an internal u/s done though. Either way, they wouldn't schedule it. I need to call Dr. S. and see what she wanted. So I called the office, and ugh! She's on vacation! She won't be back until next week.

I told the nurse what I was calling about and she offered to have Dr. S.'s temporary replacement answer my questions about the ultrasound. I'm like, "umm... no thanks! I'm not bringing another doctor into this chaos, and trying to explain what's going on!" So now we have to wait until Dr. S. comes back next week.

I asked her about the MRI then too. She tried to look it up, but said she didn't find anything. She said she'd look into it and give me a call back. I haven't heard back yet though, and that was about 4 hours ago. We'll see if they call with anything.

In other news, Peanut has stayed dry for the past 5-6 nights now. We get her up to go potty before we go to bed. And last night she wore underwear then too. This is a big thing!! My poor Peanut has been wearing pull-ups for over 2 years now. And I know that it's something that is so beyond her control. Luckily, she doesn't really mind wearing a pull-up, she doesn't even think anything about it. So at least she's not fighting us on it. But it's got to be so much more comfortable to be in underwear.

Not much else to report at this time... she''ll see the optometrist and pulminologist on Tuesday. She hasn't seen Dr. M. or Dr. A. for awhile. Although nothing has changed with her breathing. And the eye issues are still being worked on, with no answers. Soo... still in a holding pattern.

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